ComeOn Group Launches Innovative Casino API with Apparat Gaming as First Partner

A major force in the internet gaming world, ComeOn Group, has just debuted its proprietary casino application programming interface (API). Their inaugural collaborator in this venture? The up-and-coming German developer Apparat Gaming, celebrated for its impressive game portfolio!

This collaboration is significant because it demonstrates ComeOn’s dedication to providing its users with a superb gaming experience. They’re touting it as a “wholly novel API strategy,” and it promises to streamline the process for studios like Apparat to distribute their games to ComeOn’s extensive player base.

Apparat’s games are already a sensation in Germany, a crucial market for ComeOn. However, this is merely the first step! The intention is to rapidly deploy them in additional countries.

Cristiano Blanco, the head honcho of products at ComeOn, is incredibly enthusiastic about the entire endeavor. He states that it exemplifies ComeOn’s commitment to delivering exceptional games. Furthermore, he was struck by the speed and efficiency of the integration process – it was finalized in a matter of weeks!

This is a mutually beneficial arrangement for all parties. Apparat gains exposure for its games to a broader audience, while ComeOn can furnish its players with even more outstanding content. It’s a match made in digital entertainment paradise!

Apparat Gaming’s co-founder, Martin Frindt, conveyed significant satisfaction in being selected as ComeOn’s inaugural API integration collaborator. He remarked, “The decision by ComeOn to select Apparat Gaming for their first API integration partnership is a source of great excitement for us. We possess unwavering confidence in our abilities and the forthcoming collection of games, and we eagerly anticipate cultivating a robust alliance with ComeOn.”

Our Author
Piper "Phoenix" Guthrie

Holding a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master's in Journalism, this skilled author has a passion for using mathematical concepts and investigative reporting techniques to uncover the hidden stories and patterns behind the casino industry. They have expertise in data journalism, financial mathematics, and investigative journalism, which they apply to the analysis of the financial and social impact of gambling and the development of strategies to promote transparency and accountability in casino operations. Their articles and reviews provide readers with an investigative perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to expose and address issues of corruption, exploitation, and inequality.

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